Credit @jessicaprdnc 

Credit @jessicaprdnc 

Josie is that instagram girl you want to be friend with :)

Not only her instagram feed is alway LIT but it also reflects the person she really is: generous, perfectionist (in the good way), loving, simple, inspiring, encouraging and lady boss.

I followed Josie in 2016 and I immediately connected with her. I love her personality! 

Josie is also the mother of a little boy and sometimes I wondered how can she find the time to do all what she does!I think the answer is: Passion :)

Josie is passionate about her family, her blog and everything minimalist and meaningful from clothing to decor. She always have some good stuff to share :)

She is the boss behind the aesthetic print shop " Petite and Bold Shop" where you can find inspiring cute prints she designs herself.

This week Josie is sharing her secret to Happiness. We believe the key to successful career, family, relationship and life is to be Happy first. "No one is in charge of your Happiness except You!"



I am Happy when...

My son tells me I’m his “amour”. Being a mom is the greatest blessing and I just love seeing the world through his eyes!


How do you define your happiness?

This moment when my heart feels at peace and fulfilled.


How are you investing in your happiness?

This year, investing in my happiness will consist in being present. Wether it’s when I spend time with my family or work on what I love, I want to be there in the moment and just soak in every minute. Hard to do, but I’m sure this will make me feel happier.


What is that one special thing, event or experience that makes you happy when you think about it?

I just love seeing my son grow up and hit so many milestones. He has such a kind heart. I also like his relationship with my husband. I often look at them talking and playing and feel like crying haha!


What has been the happiest moment in your life this year?

Wow, so many it’s hard to choose just one! Related to my blog, I’m thankful for the collaborations opportunities I had and the growth I have experienced. On a personal level, just seeing my son being healthy and content makes me happy. My most treasured blessing.

I’ve been through some hard times lately, and realizing how supportive and dedicated my husband and family are is something I am truly happy and grateful about. Feeling blessed!


What is the thing that get you excited?

Blogging and designing new prints. Not a surprise right?! But to be more specific, I like to know that what I do is actually helping someone. Inspiring someone’s ootd, motivating a girl boss with my prints. Whatever it is, I am most excited and content when I know that I’ve done something to help.


What scent, texture, colour makes you feel happy?

The scent of a vanilla candle burning always makes me feel cozy and relaxed. Black is my happy colour, it represents who I am! I’ve never considered this colour as negative. My blackness is what I’m most proud of!


If your happiness was a colour, a place, a meal what would it be?

My happy colour would be black. My happy place: my hometown Burkina Faso. My happy food: a delicious thiebou djen (Senegalese dish)


One thing you achieved this year (big or small) that makes you happy and proud?

I think I’ve already talked about this on my blog but not being afraid to reach out to brands I wanted to work with was a big achievement for me. I have always been afraid of being rejected but at the end of the day it’s just a NO. Not the end of the world. I have never reacted very well to failures, but with time, I’ve learned how to turn them into life lessons and move forward.


What is your favourite quote that makes you smile?

“Be Kind whenever possible, it is always possible” Dalaï Lama. Kindness truly is everything.


What song makes you happy right now?

She’s Mine / J. Cole

Who do you love / Marianas Trench

Anything Serge Beynaud ;) If you don’t know him, you are missing out. When I listen to his music and the amazing African rhythm; I can’t help myself but to dance.


What is your quality/skill you've improved and makes you happy?

I would say my writing skills have improved a lot thanks to the blog. My photography skills as well.


What are the things you do to make yourself happy?

There’s not much I can do by myself when I’m home LOL but I do love my shower time, it’s my ME TIME and I always take advantage of this moment to re-focus! I also love to do some Yoga postures to help with stress and anxiety. I’m a super highly sensitive girl: literally a sponge. I absorb all the emotions around me so I’m easily stressed ( good and bad stress ). This is something I’m working on this year.


What is the best choice you have made this year?

Investing time and dedication to my blog. Hard work (and lack of sleep) really pays off. As soon as I started focusing a lot more on my blog, connecting with people on Instagram and in real life, everything changed for the best.


What are the 3 things you ticked off your bucket list this year?

Being able to monetize my blog.

Taking a step into the wholesale business for Petite & Bold Shop.

Connecting with amazing creatives just like you Shirline ;) 

I’ve met talented ladies and I definitely think we (women) should support and uplift each other.


What are you grateful for this year?

For my husband’s tremendous support. He has been my rock this year and is so supportive of what I do. He just loves to see me happy. I have recently started a “Gratitude” journal to write down at least two things I’m grateful for each day. We easily pay attention to what went wrong rather than focusing on the little things that made us feel better. I want to be more positive this year, and see the bright side even through hard times.


quotes - black milk women


What are your hopes and dreams for 2017? 

Make a living from what I love to do. I am also really proud of my new partnership with the Montréal’s Children Hospital Foundation. I’ll be donating 2% of my monthly sales to MCHF. This partnership makes me deeply happy. As a mother myself, it is always so hard to see precious beings go through such tough times. This is my way to help and give back.







Black Milk Women is an online Lifestyle + Beauty magazine and e-shop based in Montreal.  We want to influence and empower women to, be their own inspiration, enhance inner and outer beauty, shape their uniqueness and live a meaningful life.

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